Here you'll find all the info you need to get to the event, and what to expect!

What is this Faire??      Much like a renaissance faire, this the annual Pirate Faire hosted by Gold Coast festivals.  You can see past year's pictures HERE

It will be located at the Lake Casitas special events area, about 9 miles north of Ventura.      A  link to a GOOGLE map can be found  HERE where you can get directions to and from any starting point.  
     Entry into the Faire for the day is $12.  We are still working on getting better group rates for entry fees, so check back here before the date.
     The wedding ceremony will be held at approximately 2pm.  Following will be a reception with entertainment, food and beverages.  There are lots of things to see and do at the Faire, so we suggest coming early and enjoying the day.
     When you arrive, you will need to go toward the middle of the North side of the Faire and look for an encampment called the RUMRUNNERS.  There you will check-in and further guidance to the ceremony location will be given.

If you have any questions, please email Angie: